Return Policy

Racquet Art -

We want you to be completely satisfied with your Racquet Art purchase. If you’re not completely satisfied with a Racquet Art item, we’ll gladly take it back in its original, unused condition with the receipt and within 30 days of the order date.

Price Adjustment Policy

Prices are guaranteed for 14 days. If an item you buy goes on sale within 14 days of purchase, we’ll honor the new price at your request.

*The price adjustment policy applies to price changes that occur within the 14-day period following your purchase only.

Final Sale

No exchanges or returns on items marked as final sale or custom requests. No price adjustments given on final sale items. Any items identified as “custom” are not returnable.

Return Procedure

Contact Racquet Art by via email at and describe the reason for the return. Upon return approval by Racquet Art, ship the goods to the address below. Do not return the items without a prior return approval from Racquet Art. All return shipping charges must be prepaid. We cannot accept C.O.D. deliveries. It is recommended that you insure yoru parcel for your return. Keep the Return Tracking Number for your return package to monitor delivery status. To receive a credit or refund, all items must be received by Racquet Art within 30 days of the return approval. You can expect a refund in the same form of payment that was originally used for the purchase, within 30 days of our receiving the return order.

Return Address:

1623 Misty Lake Drive
Fleming Island, FL 32003


If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (754) 229-0012.

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